"You're Flawed if You're not Free"

"You're Flawed if You're not Free"

Monday, January 17, 2011

My Creative Influences

My creativity is encouraged by the creative minds of others who I look up to in more ways than just admiring the work they do. When it comes to creating, I find myself thinking about and looking up certain people in the music industry, even though my focus is not music. Their music not only inspires me to create my own music, but it is a valuable piece of my personality and who I am as a person. The music of the artists I listen to is reflected in my creative projects whether I Consciously twist their work and make it into something new and something I can call my own, or Subconsciously put aspects of their work into my own, and figure out later who or where I got a particular aspect from.

Creative Influences
  1. “The King of Pop” - Michael Jackson (Michael Jackson)
Michael Jackson has been one of my favorite artists ever since I could stand up and dance or use my vocals to create noise that sounded like singing. The world renowned artist has many honors and awards. What I admire most about Jackson is his ability to perform as an artist. The dancing as well as the singing is all a part of Jackson’s creative abilities as an artist. I look at his work as a way to grow as both a musician and as the creator of certain projects. Looking at his work Objectively and taking it for what it is, rather than subjectively is the main reason why I love Michael Jackson as an artist. Being in an acapella group, I look up to Michael Jackson as a performer, a singer, and most of all, as a creative artist.

“Girl Talk” - Gregg Gillis
Girl Talk is one of my favorite creative influences. His ability to take an already created song, and transform it into something that completely and totally original is unmatched in my opinion. Girl Talk specializes in creating what are known as “mash-ups” which is merging multiple songs in a certain way to create an entirely new song. As a fellow creator of “mash-ups”, I look to his work for guidance and ideas for my own projects. Nobody does it better than him. I like to contrast Girl Talk’s work with other “mash-up” artists and affinity artists to come up with the best idea’s possible for my own work.

Michael Vasquez
My greatest creative influence is my father Michael Vasquez. His greatest passion is singing and creating music with his band “Mr. Miyagi” which is a cover band. I look up to my dad creatively because he has never given up on what he loves most, performing for and audience. What I get out of that in the creative sense is that I will keep on improving upon projects until I am 100% sure that it is ready to be “performed” or presented to the public. Ultimately we all want our work to get out there and be seen or heard right? Of course everyone wants to make their parents proud, so I work as hard as I can creatively to show him that I can be creative too.

1 comment:

  1. You have a diverse set of creative influences, Chad! I'm sure your dad is really proud of all of your endeavors too!
