"You're Flawed if You're not Free"

"You're Flawed if You're not Free"

Friday, March 11, 2011

Game Design Presentation Reflection

Game Presentation Reflection

Overall I believe that our presentation went pretty well. I think that we explained every aspect of the game to the best of our abilities; however, there were a few things that I had trouble trying to get across to the audience in a way that they could best understand.

It was hard to explain the mechanics of the game in a way that would make the game seem like it was fun. I felt as though it was a bad idea trying to explain the way the game works through comparison of other games. If I say, this game works a lot like the Sims, then people will say, “Okay, then what makes your game any different than the sims, an already successful franchise, and why should I think of buying it instead of the Sims?” The challenge is separating your work from so many other games. Also, when your not totally sure on how you want the game to work yourself, it gets difficult to explain it other people.

Another thing I felt was difficult was to explain the levels. Our game doesn’t really have levels, it’s more of a sandbox kind of game where you play as a character and they grow individually through the whole world of the game. It’s not so much moving from level 1 to level 2 or level 3 and so on; however, its a more objective oriented system. Its difficult to explain how that works without sounding like you are confused yourself.

- A strong point of our presentation was that I feel like we had a solid idea which gave us a lot to work with. Without a great idea it’s tough for things to blossom and form in a smooth way. If we had more time than a week we could have added so much more to our game just because of its nature. I believed we portrayed our idea very well and what our reasoning was behind making things the way they were and why we made certain decisions. Games are tricky when it comes to originality because there are so many out there. You can only play so many first person shooters before they all start to blend together. I think we did a pretty good job of showing how our game would be a little bit different than your average game.

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