"You're Flawed if You're not Free"

"You're Flawed if You're not Free"

Monday, January 17, 2011

"14 Ways to Get A Breakthrough Idea"

In Mitch Ditkoffs’ article, “14 Ways to Get Breakthrough Ideas”, Ditkoff explores 14 different approaches to how we as creative human beings can have a breakthrough in the creative process. Each of the 14 ways has an explanation as to why we should try to follow these rules with quotes from the pros and the godfathers of creativity. In particular there were three ways that completely stood out to me that I thought were slam dunks in regards to being creative and achieving that breakthrough.


Immersion: "the act of becoming completely involved or absorbed in something—
engrossed, enthralled, or preoccupied.” I believe it is very important to become deeply involved into what your trying to accomplish in order to have that breakthrough. The more focused on the project you are the better your chances are to reach that full potential of creativity. Ditkoff uses a great example about chickens. “Baby chicks break through the shell separating them from flight not because their mothers are rushing off to meetings on parenting skills, but because their mothers are immersed in the act of hatching.” This aspect of the 14 ways I believe is one of the most important ways to success in the creative world. When working on a project I believe you should be “In the Zone” or in other words, immerse yourself in what you’re doing.


It is important to fantasize when your dealing with creativity. Your creative mind should have no limitations. If you don’t fantasize then you are limiting your possibilities of what you can create. The need for innovation and new ideas will always be present and in fact it’s growing. Without a fantasy, your ideas wouldn’t have a place to flourish and really have the chance to grow. Think about the impossible and turn it into something creative. We all know Jedi’s and Millennium Falcons don’t truly exist in the real world, but in a fantasy world, they’re as real as the ground we stand on. Ideas like Star Wars are possible because of fantasy.

Hang Out With Diverse Groups Of People

Diversity within your friends is key when it comes to ideas. The more different types of people you surround yourself with the more diverse your ideas will be. It’s important to have the diversity when doing something creative. If everyone around you is thinking the same way then you will limit the possibilities of what you can create with each other. Let’s say you and all your friends love to skateboard, and you have to draw a picture of what you guys love to do together but in a creative fashion. If you have that one friends who doesn’t like to skateboard but instead enjoys to swim. You go from having a picture of someone skating, to a picture of someone skating under water, or maybe surfing with a skateboard to display two hobbies as one. Diverse groups will always come up with the best ideas; however, it is important to have that base group that will agree with and have those common ideas to help formulate your ideas into something more concrete and describable.

Overall I believe that Mitch Ditkoffs’ “14 Ways to Get A Breakthrough Idea” is a very good guide to follow. Everything he explores within the article is important and I believe will really help anyone who is looking to be or already is in a creative field.

I face an opportunity to become the next section leader of the Ohio University Marching 110 Drumline, if not the next then possibly in the future. Being the Section Leader means being more than just in charge and having authority. It means being a real leader and being someone that your peers and even people you may not even know look up to. Ditkoff has an exercise stating, “State your most inspired challenge or opportunity as a question beginning with words “How can I?” Then write it five different ways. Which is the real question?”

How can I become the next section leader of the Marching 110 Drumline?
How can I be someone that my peers and others look up to?
How can I contribute in a positive way and leave my mark on the Drumline?
How can I lead such a passionate group of my peers to success?
How can I grow as a leader and as a person with this group of people?

I think the real question is “How can I grow as a leader and as a person with this group of people?” Great leadership is an extremely important quality to have in life, not just in the Marching 110 Drumline. I’ll be faced with many opportunities in the future to be a leader and regardless of having a leadership title, I can be a leader.

You can find Ditkoffs article if you

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